igal2 - features
igal2 features
As already mentioned on the start page igal2 is a quick and easy program for placing your images online with just one command-line. It generates a pretty good-looking set of W3-compliant static HTML slides even with its default settings.For a complete list of features please see the feature list of the igal2 help page:
Syntax: igal2 [-option -option ...] Options: -a write image sizes under thumbnails on index page -c first generate and then use captions -C like -c, but preserve file names as captions -d <dir> operate on files in directory <dir> (.) -f force thumbnail regeneration -h displays this brief help; same as --help -i <file> name of the main thumbnail index file (index.html) -k use the image captions for the HTML slide titles -m <file> Automatically add watermark to each image -n use image file names for the HTML slide files -p <n> cellpadding value of thumbnail index tables (3) -r omit the film reel effect altogether -s make no HTML slides, link thumbnails to images -t <n> height of the film reel tiled image (21) -u write captions under thumbnails on index page -w <n> rows in thumbnail index are <n> images wide (5) -x omit the image count from the captions -y <n> scale all thumbnails to the same height <n> (75) --ad like -a, but write only the image dimensions --as like -a, but write only the file size (in kbytes) --bigy <n> like -y, use it if you have very large image files --con <> options to pass to convert or cjpeg (e.g. -quality N) --help displays this brief help; same as -h --www make all iGal files world-readable --xy <n> scale thumbs to <n> pixels in their longer dimension --dest <dir> Destination directory for the helper files (thumbnails, slides, etc.) igal generates. This is relative to the operative directory -d and has to be one level below (.) --AddSubdir If igal finds further directories beneath your image directory -d, it will generate HTML Links in the index file (index.html) to this directories. Default is (off). Directories given with --dest or starting with a "." will be ignored. Note: igal will not work recursively, it just adds HTML links to the directories below. -m <file> Automatically add watermark to each image - this works well with a transparent .gif, but anything can be used - edit the "composite" line later on to adjust visibility/position of mark if required Originals will be left with a .unmarked extension -o <dir> Root URL of alternate location for the links to full size images. Use this if your indexes will be in a different location/server from the back end images --pagination <n> Maximum number of images on one page. If the given number of images is reached a new page is started. Pagination number <n> should be a multiple of parameter -w (default 5). Default 0 - means no pagination at all. Note: default values are given in parentheses (where applicable). Authors: Wolfgang Trexler <wt-igal@trexler.at> Eric Pop <epop@stanford.edu> (original igal) contributions: Stewart Addison <contactsxa@gmail.com> URL: http://igal.trexler.at/ Thanks: If you really like iGal please see the THANKS file.